For the love of… Shakespeare

En décembre, du 12 au 21, du jeudi au samedi, à 21h

En janvier, du 9 au 24, le jeudi et le vendredi, à 19h

En anglais / In English

Tonight, our six actors show us the many kinds of love played out in Shakespearean drama. Extracts of Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and many more.

William Shakespeare.

Some claim he is the greatest playwright in the world, some that he is the greatest playwright of all time. There are even some who claim the plays and poems we call Shakespeare’s weren’t written by him at all. One thing is certain, his stories and characters have become an integral part of world culture. Maybe that’s because, more than any other playwright, he under-stood human emotions in all their complexity, and none more so than love.

There’s something here for the aficionado of the Bard, but we hope that those less familar with the works will find themselves surprised, delighted and ready for more. If that’s so, we will have done our job!


Des personnages incontournables servis de façon à vous mettre en appétit pour vous initier à l’un des plus grands dramaturges et poètes de l’histoire ou replonger dans son œuvre.

Vos places sur Billetreduc :

Prix :


Tarif réduit :


Catégories TR :

étudiants, moins de 26 ans, demandeurs d'emploi, intermittents du spectacle

Compagnie :

Dear Conjunction

Acteurs :

Sonia Backers, James Harry Clack, Leslie Clack, Christian Erickson, Patricia Kessler et Veronica Kraemer